At Space Needle, 10/26
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These images are part of the photography album - Alin Constantin's Photo Album -
The following pictures in this photoalbum were taken by Flavia and Alin Constantin at At Space Needle, 10/26








Downtown Seattle [IMG_1038.JPG]
Downtown Seattle [IMG_1038.JPG]
Downtown Seattle [IMG_1038.JPG]

Bellevue [IMG_1040.JPG]
Bellevue [IMG_1040.JPG]
Bellevue [IMG_1040.JPG]

Lake Union [IMG_1041.JPG]
Lake Union [IMG_1041.JPG]
Lake Union [IMG_1041.JPG]

Elliott Bay [IMG_1042.JPG]
Elliott Bay [IMG_1042.JPG]
Elliott Bay [IMG_1042.JPG]




Downtown Seattle [IMG_1048.JPG]
Downtown Seattle [IMG_1048.JPG]
Downtown Seattle [IMG_1048.JPG]











  Copyright A. Constantin, 11/2/2008