Using Visual SourceSafe 6.0 with Visual Studio 2005

Can Visual SourceSafe 6.0 be used with Visual Studio 2005?

I have heard this question too many times already, it has been replied on the forums and newsgroups so many times that I decided to make a web page about it. The short answer is Yes, VSS 6.0 can be used as active source control provider with VS 2005. There are a couple of differences between VSS6 and VSS2005 though. The user experience is much better when VSS2005 is used as the source control provider in Visual Studio 2005. Whether those differences matter for you, it is up to you to decide.

What are the differences between VSS 6.0 and VSS 2005 when used with Visual Studio 2005? I'll describe below a couple of differences between VSS6 and VSS2005 from the source control integration point of view. Some of these differences are minor IMHO, because there are alternate ways of doing things.

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